Wednesday, September 30, 2009


I didn't go this week to the radio internship because I had a sinus infection and my schedule for school was changed because of a holiday :(

Event Sunday morning though!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


This morning was a hard one for me to wake up. I had to be at the radio station by 6:30am and didn't get out of bed til 6:05am. But I am a fast waker-upper when I'm finally awake. It was just too warm for me to get out of bed! I couldn't help it!

Anyways, I got to the station and did some pulling of some clips. I felt bad I didn't remember off the top of my head, but Neil helped me out with remembering. I did tons of pulling after a while, and I actually remembered and knew what I was doing. I also started with a research project, but I don't completely remember what else I did because it was over 15 hours ago and I'm getting quite exhausted. Time to hit the hay! Or nest? What do ducks sleep in? Oh well, it doesn't matter... I need to fly south soon! (not)


On Monday I went to the office and I was seriously feeling like super intern. I cut up a lot of commercials for them, and I did SO much continuity. I was constantly putting new codes and such into the computer. I didn't have time to do databasing at all because they had me doing some very cool and interesting stuff that really affects the business and the radio on-air time head on. I was very glad with the trust they gave me, and I was also proud of how well I was doing. Puffy actually let me go home a bit early, which in turn was quite nice for my homework and my really early night sleeping yesterday. I was in bed by 9:30pm!

Shopping for Some Duck Food...

Okay, so I have some stuff to jump up on. I've been a little preoccupied with work, but here I am!

On Friday, I went to a grocery store to help one of the radio stations out. We had a prize wheel and gave away great prizes. It was fun hanging out with Nicole and Mark. I was the duck yet again, and I must say I did a pretty good job. Check it out...

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

And you're on the air with....

This morning show session I had for my internship was spent much differently than ever before. Instead of doing any work, I sat in on an entire morning show with the radio host, Phathead, who by the way, is AWESOME. We got along great and he's such a sweet guy; we were able to have tons of great conversations between his being on air. It was also cool to see how many buttons he was pressing and making things mesh together so well. I loved it all! It was also a very relaxing day, which I appreciated because it was after all 6:30 in the morning and I had already been up for an hour.

I really love my internship!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Another Day in the Office

Today felt to be a very long day. I went to school and then was on my way to my office hours of the radio station. I couldn't find many people because they were out to lunch so I was going to do some databasing when they all found me. I began doing some continuity for Jaime, which is basically when I make sure commercials are being aired on future dates. After that, I did some filing for productions, did a lot of databasing with a co-intern, and then did some more continuity work with Jaime, and then finished off the databasing. Everyone seemed to be in a great mood for a Monday but I think it's because everyone there loves working with everyone else there, which is a special thing to have in an office. I'm glad I was able to go there today, but I am pretty exhausted and can't wait to call it a night. I have to wake up early tomorrow morning for the morning show, but I don't feel so well.

I'm a Good Duck

So on Saturday morning, before the big poker fundraiser, I got up and went on my way to the Easter Seals Walk to help out one of the radio stations. In between my job of getting people to sign up for a chance to win free Mets tickets, Chris came to the event (Jason was with me the whole time) bringing along Lucky the Duck. I happily helped the duck shine with the little kids and adults running around before their big walk. It was exciting :)

I like being the duck most of the time because it really does bring smiles onto faces of many people, which is just such a great thing.

Aside from that, the nice people organizing the event gave me a t-shirt. The event was cool also because I learned a new way to get to Bethpage Park that I previously did not know existed whatsoever.

It was a very short event but I think it was a great one nonetheless. A lot of different organizations came together and we all gave free stuff to people before they did their work for the disabled. It was a very inspiring event, and I'm glad Lucky was there to see it.

Photos are courtesy of Long Island Radio Group

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

"Welcome to 6:30am"

This morning instead of waking up around 6:30am to get ready for classes, I got up at 5:30am and got ready for the morning show work I would be doing in only an hour's time. I quickly got ready, although beyond exhausted, and was on my way to work. When I got there, I was welcomed by Neil, who works the morning show. He showed me how to pull certain clips from whole parts of the different radio stations's morning shows, and before I knew it, he left me to do it all by myself. The clips will be featured on the website, as they are always done.

After I finished that, I did some commercials. When I was done with the six or so commercials I had been given, people started showing up for their normal work days. Puffy gave me an even bigger list to do of commercials, and I gladly did them for the next hour or so until I had to head on out to go to school.

While today I was a little more tired than usual, unaccustomed to morning show hours or duties, I really had a good day. When I finished classes and a project however, I hit the sheets immediately! Now I'm off to do homework.

Next event is this upcoming Saturday morning! I'll keep you posted!

A Twist to My Duties -- Festival Event

So yesterday, aside from it being my one and a half years with my boyfriend and Labor Day, I went to a radio event at a local festival. After I arrived, we set up and then pretty much just hung out asking people to sign up for a chance to win Mets tickets. After that, we got some recordings of people saying they count on our radio station for good variety, etc. There was a twist for me though. I was the duck. Yes. THE duck. Here's a couple pictures:

Photos from the Long Island Radio Group

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


So yesterday I had my second office experience which was nice. First I did a lot of cutting/adding/editing and creating clips of commercials to be aired, which was very cool and exciting. Then I picked special deals on the island for the newsletter. And then I did some databasing. It seemed to go by so fast that I hardly knew how fast it really was going until it was 5:30pm and they told me I could go home. It could have also been because my first day of school was yesterday and everything was going so great.